With emergency services in North America, a 911 call is routed to a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), which is not necessarily a local one. The PSAP or 911 Operator is responsible for talking to the caller and arranging the appropriate emergency response, such as sending the police, fire department or an ambulance.
Skyway will deliver the 911 calls to the Public-Safety Answering Point. Skyway connects calls to the PSAP using normal TDM B911 or E911 Trunking connections.
During the onboarding process, Skyway will provide the client with one or more ANI (Automatic Number Identifier) DNs (Directory Numbers) for each building location. The client is responsible for providing the correct address of the building(s). During provisioning, each client is associated to a building. If a client changes building locations, the client must notify Skyway in writing to update the address on file.
When a client places a call to 911, The NUViA VoIP Application Server will replace the client’s Calling Party Number with the ANI number and route the call to the Emergency Services Provider (ESP). The ESP will use the ANI to look up the building street address, and route the call to the correct PSAP serving this address.
As an option, NUViA can send an Instant Message to a pre-designated Security Desk client to alert them of the 911 call. The Security Desk client will receive the Calling party Number / SIP ID of the SIP phone so as to assist and support the emergency response.
The correct PSAP cannot be determining from mobile SIP clients. Users should not place 911 calls from SIP mobile clients, but instead use a cell phone, a SIP fixed client, or a TDM phone.
Should an end user place a 911 call from a GENCOM Client, which has cell phone capabilities, the client will direct the call to the cell phone rather than the SIP client.