Premium Fibre Internet Service

Skyway Fibre Internet is a Premium Access Service ideal for companies requiring guaranteed download and upload speeds, the best technical solution and highest level of customer support. With speeds up to 10 Gbit, Skyway Fibre delivers the necessary bandwidth and guaranteed service required by companies moving to the Cloud.

Perfect for corporate and enterprise customers:

  • symmetrical high performance service with lowest latency, jitter and packet loss
  • offering Telus, Zayo, Shaw and Bell for less than their retail rates
  • serving area the combined size of Telus, Shaw, Bell and Zayo serving areas
  • receive the “best” provider or combination of providers on one Skyway invoice
  • no installation or construction fees at some locations
  • experienced, responsive technical support trained for business networks
  • web access to service details and health measurements
  • Service Level Agreement

For a limited time, we will waive up to $7500 in Fibre Build Costs, $2500 in Inside Wiring Costs and $1000 in Setup Fees!

The lowest fibre prices are not the same in all provinces or buildings. We do everything we can to get you the best fibre rates available in your area. We work with the four major suppliers (Telus, Bell Canada, Zayo and Shaw) and others, and each is anxious for our business. We can supply any speed you wish up to 10 GigE (1 billion bits/sec).

FIBRE INTERNET services include:

5 Usable Static IPs transferable between services and locations
Email Accounts 50 Free, including Spam and Virus protection
Domain Name Hosting up to 3 domain names
Control Panel secure web access to monitor network health and manage Domain Names and email accounts. Includes service alerts, usage reports and traffic analysis
Industry-best Skyway West Support

FAQs All You Need to Know About Fibre Internet

Fibre is preferred by companies requiring guaranteed speeds, guaranteed uptime, the best technical solution and highest level of support. We provide you a Full Duplex ethernet port and you choose from speeds ranging from 1 Mbps to 10,000 Mbps. Premium Services are symmetrical, simultaneously uploading at the same speed they download. Fibre upload speeds make it the best service for Cloud services such as Hosted SaaS, off-site backups or companies hosting servers for remote users.

Fibre has the lowest latency, jitter and packet loss making for an extremely responsive internet experience, appreciated by staff and customers alike. Low latency, jitter and packet loss are perfect for sensitive applications like VoIP, video conferencing and virtual private networks.

The speed of Fibre services can often be changed within a few weeks and for a nominal charge. For example, you can increase a 20 Mbps service to 100 Mbps on an 100 Mbps port, or a 200 Mbps service to 300 Mbps on an 1000 Mbps (GigE) port.

Fibre Services are available with public or private IP addresses. They can be configured as bridged or routed services. We can also apply Class of Service tags to prioritize both inbound and outbound traffic.

All Fibre Services include a 100% speed guarantee and circuit availability.

Network latency in a packet-switched network is measured either one-way (the time from the source sending a packet to the destination receiving it), or round-trip delay time (the one-way latency from source to destination plus the one-way latency from the destination back to the source) which is what we use at Skyway. Round-trip latency is more often quoted, because it can be measured from a single point.

The reason Fibre latency is so low compared to ADSL and Cable is that Fibre latency is largely a function of the speed of light, which is 299,792,458 meters/second in vacuum. This equates to a latency of 3.33 microseconds for every kilometer of path length.

Jitter is measured as the variation in latency over time. A network with constant latency has no variation (or jitter).

Packet loss occurs when one or more packets of data travelling across a computer network fail to reach their destination. Packet loss can be caused by a number of factors including dropped packets because of congestion, corrupted packets rejected in-transit, faulty networking hardware, faulty network drivers, or normal routing routines.

Skyway Dedicated Fibre performance metrics include:

  • MTTR (Mean Time to Repair): Per Site Average/ On-Net:4 hours Off-Net:8 hours
  • Circuit availability: 100%
  • Round trip delay within Skyway Fibre network up to 3500 KM:
  • Round trip delay within Skyway Fibre network over 3500 KM:
  • Vancouver sites to Vancouver POP:
  • Other BC and Alberta sites to Vancouver POP:
  • GTA sites to Toronto POP:
  • Other Ontario and Quebec sites to Toronto POP:
  • Packet loss: Monthly average <0.1%
  • Jitter: Monthly average

Burstable Fibre is a “best effort” service which includes a maximum available speed but there is no guarantee that this speed is achievable. In other words, if you choose a 100 Mbps Burstable service you are not guaranteed of achieving 100 Mbps. Because it is a best effort service, outside of Circuit Availability and Mean Time to Repair, Performance Metrics are not defined.

With Dedicated Fibre service there is a guaranteed speed: the speed you choose is the speed you achieve. Skyway always recommends a Dedicated service because you can speed test to confirm your level of service and have recourse to submit a ticket alerting technical support if you are not achieving contracted speeds or other Performance Metrics.

There are three costs to consider when installing a Fibre service:

  • Construction: cost to bring fibre to your building
  • Installation: cost to prepare the fibre for use
  • Inside Wiring: cost to terminate the fibre in customer’s suite

Buildings in any downtown core generally have fibre already in place and construction costs do not apply. Because we work with several major fibre suppliers anxious for our business, we are often able to mitigate the costs of construction and installation. We are also able to lower construction and installation costs for longer term contracts.

Customers can choose to use their own contractor for inside wiring, or use a Skyway contractor. We recommend the latter as we are then able to supply end-to-end support.

Static IP addresses provide a stable connection and permit remote users to access corporate firewalls and servers (e.g., mail, web, ftp, voice over IP).

Static IP addresses make it possible to connect branch offices, home users and remote employees to your LAN. Network administrators can connect to the office servers to maintain them. Remote users can authenticate their access to the office network. Static IP addresses are essential if you host your own mail or web server and also necessary to make an application like a corporate database or accounting program accessible over the Internet.

Additionally, static IP addresses permit Skyway to continually monitor and measure the health of your service and determine if any problems that arise are due to our equipment, your firewall or the cable between them.

Static IP addresses are included with all our services. All Skyway customers may move from one Skyway service to another or from one location to another without changing their IP addresses.

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The Skyway West Fibre Service Level Agreement

Skyway guarantees all fibre customers 100% uninterrupted transit to the Internet. If transit to the Internet becomes unavailable, Skyway will refund the customer an amount equal to one day of the customer’s pro-rated recurring monthly charges during the month the interruption took place.

If transit to the Internet is unavailable for a cumulative period exceeding one hour, the customer will receive an additional refund of one day of the pro-rated recurring monthly charges for each additional hour, or portion thereof, of transit unavailability. All refund calculations will be based on unavailability in one-hour increments.

This SLA does not cover outages caused by equipment and/or events not under the direct control of Skyway or caused by individuals not directly employed by Skyway. It excludes short periods of temporary service degradation, such as slow data transmissions. It does not cover outages due to scheduled or emergency network and/or facility maintenance, which will be broadcast to all customers in advance.

Any and all refunds to a customer will not exceed 35% of the customer’s recurring monthly charges for the month in which the refund is paid.

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Keeping Up With Terminal Server Sessions

The Problem

A BC-based transport company was receiving complaints from their four branch locations in Alberta and the USA. Remote users were complaining that Terminal Services hosted in the Surrey head office were slow and unreliable. Their existing ADSL upload speed wasn’t fast enough and cable internet was too inconsistent.

The Skyway West Solution

Skyway engineers recommended a dedicated symmetrical 10 Mbps Fibre service. The upload speed was sufficient for their remote users and more than 10 Mbps download wasn’t necessary for their business. The upload speed also provided enough capacity to support their future plans to add an IP phone system.

The Result

There are now no complaints from remote users about the head office terminal server and they have been able to move forward with VoIP, knowing they have installed sufficient reliable upstream bandwidth.

Get A Fibre Quote

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